PHP Hosting

PHP Web Hosting MySQL Hosting MySQL Hosting

Days Solution provides a full featured PHP Web Hosting service using the latest stable version of PHP. A wide range of PHP modules and PEAR libraries are available for your PHP scripts.

Single Domain Web Hosting Packages
Single Domain Web Hosting Affordable Hosting from $4.95
A cost effective web hosting for a single web site

True Multi Domain Web Hosting Packages
PHP Web Hosting Unix/PHP Web Hosting
Ideal for PHP web hosting with MySQL and PostgreSQL databases
Windows Hosting Windows Web Hosting
Ideal for ASP and ASP.NET Hosting with optional SQL Server databases

VPS - Virtual Private Server
Virtual Server Hosting VPS - Virtual Private Server Hosting
Affordable high performance - high security virtual private server.
Seamless upgrade from shared hosting.

Multiple PHP versions, which include PHP 5.2, PHP 5.3, PHP 5.4, and PHP 5.5, are available on our Hosting. Each web site can be independently set to its own PHP version.

Our PHP web hosting supports a wide range of applications


PHP Web Hosting Features

Choose a PHP Hosting plan to host your PHP scripts.